How To Get Easy Approval
Loans Are Almost Guaranteed
4 Conditions To Being Approved
Apply For A Loan Less Than £1000
We do have loans available up to £5000, but if you are having problems being approved, you should start by applying for less than £1000
Our success rate for low amount loans is quite good, some days, we achieve a 4 out of 5 approval rate. It is complicated to explain, but it's not always the case that the lower the amount you apply for, the higher the chances of approval. Other rare factors sometimes mean the higher you ask for, the better the chance of approval.
Some non-bank lending sites out there will loan over £5000, but they will usually require some form of security or a guarantor. Easy Loans will never ask you for a guarantor or an upfront payment.
Residing in the UK
You don't have to be born here or have a UK passport to get approved. You do however have to be living inside the UK with some sort of paper trail to show that you have lived here for at least 6 months.
Over the age of 18
There are no lenders in the UK that will lend to those under the age of 18 years old.
UK Bank Account
Money can only be paid into UK banks with regular current accounts. No lender will send the money to a European bank account. We are not aware of any UK based lender who will send funds to a foreign bank account.